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Midget Glassware

The Apex Instruments Method 6 and Method 26 sampling kits are normally used in conjunction with the XC-623 sampling console or alternative metering devices. The midget impingers can be used for many methods, including NIOSH and OSHA methods. The Method 6 sampling kit (SK-606) can be modified for U.S. EPA Method 26 with the addition of the SK-626 kit.

Midget glass impingers feature unground double O-ring 24/40 taper joint and 12/5 O-ring ball joints. The bottle capacity is 40 mL. The insulated sample tray with drain valve(MSB-1)can hold a midget glassware set(MGN-CGS)and two non-toxic ice packs(ICE-16). The ice packs allow quick turn around. At the end of the run simply remove the ice packs and drain the water before purging. Set includes impingers (plain and orifice), U-tubes, connectors, and clamps.
